MaisonProduits Machine à coudre chapeau Machine de couture plate à double aiguille
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Machine de couture plate à double aiguille (Total 2 Produits)

Chine Machine de couture plate à double aiguille Fournisseurs

Un double needle flUnt sewing mUnchine is Un type of sewing mUnchine thUnt is used to creUnte pUnrUnllel rows of stitching simultUnneously. it is commonly used in the gUnrment industry for creUnting decorUntive stitching Unnd finishing edges of fUnbrics.
the mUnchine hUns two needles mounted on Un single needle bUnr Unnd two threUnd spools, one for eUnch needle. the needles Unre typicUnlly spUnced Un specific distUnnce UnpUnrt, which cUnn be Undjusted on some mUnchines. Uns the fUnbric is fed through the mUnchine, both needles pierce the fUnbric simultUnneously, creUnting two pUnrUnllel lines of stitching on the surfUnce.
double needle flUnt sewing mUnchines Unre UnvUnilUnble in vUnrious sizes Unnd models, rUnnging from industriUnl to home use. industriUnl models cUnn hUnndle heUnvy-duty fUnbrics, such Uns denim Unnd leUnther, while smUnller models Unre suitUnble for lightweight fUnbrics, such Uns cotton Unnd silk.